
FOS Community Dinner night at Aqus Cafe

Hello everyone! We’re hosting an FOS Community Dinner night!   All new residents and longtime supporters of Friends of Shollenberger are invited to gather at Aqus Cafe for a Community Dinner.   WED Sept 25 from 5-7pm An FOS Community Dinner at Aqus Cafe   Supporters please invite your friends and neighbors! Many people may have moved to Petaluma during the last few years and missed the ongoing heroic opposition. We’ll purchase dinner or snacks and talk informally. Last half hour will be a short talk and chance to ask questions of Joan Cooper and David Keller, Friends of Shollenberger leaders.     Topics: 1) history of community opposition 2008-present 2) environmental impacts on our wetlands and park and community health 3) ideas for working together to continue to oppose the project and acquire Dutra’s 39 acres for community open space

Our May Meetup at the Park

    Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Group Photo shoot last Saturday at Shollenberger. It was so exhilarating to see everyone as the rainstorm cleared and blue sky greeted us! Scott Hess, our expert volunteer photographer, sent up his drone and captured our high spirits. The group photo will be coming soon.   Saving Shollenberger from the toxic pollution, blight, and noise of Dutra's proposed asphalt factory (and 250 per day permitted diesel truck access) has been a 15 year effort of the whole community. Our elected representatives past and present were there. Mary Kadri, PWA President and several PWA members - stewards of our park - joined to make this a truly energizing gathering. Long time supporters and new volunteers were there to say: "We are here and will continue to work to preserve and protect our park, river, and wetlands."   Here are some candid photos of the gathering. Send your photos of the park to and we'll post t

Group Photo Shoot at Shollenberger Park

  Friends of Shollenberger LET’S STAND Together Group Photo Shoot at Shollenberger Park SAT MAY 4, 2024 6 PM We’ve been working since 2008 to stop Dutra Asphalt Materials from building an industrial factory on the banks of the  Petaluma River, across from Shollenberger Park. In 2009 we gathered at the park to celebrate this effort and Scott Hess,  local photographer, took a picture of the community group working to stop the approval of the Dutra Asphalt factory on  the opposite banks of the Petaluma River. (See for the history of our efforts.) Let's keep up the fight by joining together for a NEW Friends of Shollenberger group photo on May 4, 2024! Scott Hess  will send up his drone to capture a NEW photo of our community, our wetlands and the beautiful expanse of the Petaluma  River. We'll also use this opportunity to participate in a community PHOTO-IN! Show us what you love about Shollenberger  Park by bringing your own cameras/phones while out at the

Welcome Back!

Dear Friends of Shollenberger, Welcome back from the Pandemic Years of isolation. We’ve held Dutra’s toxic and noxious asphalt factory proposal at Shollenberger Park to a standstill since 2007, but Dutra is still trying to avoid complying with the regulations of the Final Environmental Report (FEIR).   All has been quiet for three years on   the Dutra front until now and our blog has also been quiet too. It's time to rally our community and continue our work to preserve and protect Shollenberger Park from the pollution of the proposed Dutra Asphalt factory. Operating an asphalt factory on the banks of the Petaluma River 150 ft. from our wonderful Shollenberger Park is still “The Wrong Place Wrong Plant”. Our blog will be your main source of information and with our new volunteer Lia to keep it up to date, I invite you to read it and pass it on to friends and neighbors. So many residents have moved to Petaluma during the Pandemic years - new families, young adults, retirees. Speakin


RAISE $$$ TO SAVE SHOLLENBERGER SHINDIG 5 Party for the park! Friends of Shollenberger FUNDRAISER - Preserve and Protect the Park and Wetlands! Date: Monday Feb 25 Location: RIVER FRONT CAFE DOORS OPEN 5-8:30 PM ADULTS $20 VIP $100 KIDS FREE Wine Appetizers Music Included.  Dinners for sale from River Front Cafe kitchen.  Updates on Saving Shollenberger Park. Entertainment 5PM: A Kids Show: Families come early for Benedettiville! 6PM: GABBY LA LA: Electric Sitar and Ukulele 7PM: HillWilliams Band Bluegrass Silent Auction Visa and Pay Pal accepted River Front Cafe  (Formerly the Apple Box) 224 B Street, Petaluma (707) 347-5146 For Information contact: Joan Cooper, (415) 516-3673 or Friends of Shollenberger is a 501c3 a Special Project of the O.W.L. Foundation TICKETS ON SALE Buy tickets in person starting Feb. 5th at the Mail Depot (Cash Only): 40 4th Street, Petaluma. OR Order Online w


RELEASE PRESS - For immediate release. February 18, 2017 Contact: David Keller, Director, Petaluma River Council - (707) 763-9336 Joan Cooper, Founder, Friends of Shollenberger Park - (415) 516-3673 FRIENDS OF SHOLLENBERGER COMMUNITY BENCH DEDICATION MARCH 6 MONDAY 4:30 PM Shollenberger Park South path HONORS BILL KORTUM, ENVIRONMENTAL VISIONARY Friends of Shollenberger Community Bench Now installed on the south path of Shollenberger Park Over 40 citizens, companies, and non-profit organizations donated funds to install this commodious bench: Camelbak, Alvarado Street Bakery, and Azure Town Homes have supported the community's efforts to preserve and protect Shollenberger Park from the beginning. Heritage Salvage designed and built the bench of old-growth redwood and donated it to the community. The bench commemorates the community’s efforts to challenge the Dutra asphalt factory proposal, and the lifetime commitment of Bill Kortum to preserve open space, wh

Regional Water Quality Control Board Ruling

Dear Friends, GOOD NEWS! The Regional Water Quality Control Board rejected Dutra's analysis of Alternative Sites and told Dutra to demonstrate the necessity for an asphalt factory in Petaluma. The State agency declared Dutra Haystack Asphalt Plant's Alternative Site Analysis "Invalid". (See Letter below) Thanks to all who have supported the community's efforts to preserve and protect Shollenberger Park and especially to those who wrote supporting letters this time around. This fight is not over - stay tuned for upcoming community fundraising events and gatherings to Save Shollenberger Park. Joan Cooper & David Keller PRESS RELEASE - For immediate release. November 16, 2016 Contact: David Keller, Director, Petaluma River Council - (707) 763-9336 Joan Cooper, Founder, Friends of Shollenberger Park - (415) 516-3673 Dutra told to justify the need for asphalt plant in Petaluma: State agency declares Dutra Haystack Asphalt Plant's Alter