JUNE 14th 6-9 PM IT'S A BENEFIT CONCERT & BEER PARTY for Friends of Shollenberger: Petaluma. Our legal challenge to stop the Dutra Asphalt Factory costs $$$ . Help raise the money to pay the bills and party at the same time! WET YOUR WHISTLE FOR THE WETLANDS “ Lagunitas Bar” open for orders at the Shollenberger Shindig - % of Proceeds to Friends of Shollenberger” Let’s Sing & Swing to Save Shollenberger There will be amazing music by Local Super Group: FOXES IN THE HEN HOUSE. THE RIVEREENS with special guest David Grisman & Three Legged Sister $20 General Admission Sold Out! $100 VIP Tickets Still Available at Mail Depot and Lagunitas Sold Out! Be a VIP and boost the effort to save Shollenberger Buy an VIP ALL ACCESS PASS @ $100. THE VIP LOUNGE is upstairs at Lagunitas - a groovy rec room & bar with comfy couches and memorabilia. Up here will be artisan beer tasting, locovore snacks, fine wine. On the VIP stage enjoy the music of: GABBY LA LA GUILLERMO GARCIA ...