Thank You Sonoma County Conservation Action!
The Sonoma County Conservation Action crafted the following letter, distributing it door-to-door throughout the county to over 15,000 doors and obtaining over 200 letters (opposing the asphalt plant) to the Supervisors from residents in Petaluma, Sebastopol and Sonoma. Thank you for your support!

June 13, 2009
Dear Sonoma County Supervisors Brown, Carrillo, and Zane,
We commend you for opposing the Dutra Group’s project proposal for Haystack Landing in Petaluma. As you have witnessed, and the SCCA door to door canvass and Know Your Neighbor program volunteers have observed, there has been an enormous amount of community opposition to Dutra’s project at this location. We feel that the community has done their research and found many valid reasons to reject this asphalt plant. As you have acknowledged, the health concerns are undeniable; and these are in addition to many more unmitigable impacts.
Thank you so much for making a wise decision on this issue. We greatly appreciate your recognition of the public’s distaste for this project. In addition, it is honorable of you to consider Petaluma’s (and all cities’) Urban Growth Boundary. Given that it is clearly in our county’s General Plan to promote harmonious relationships between local governing bodies, we value your respect for unanimous opposition by the entire Petaluma City Council.
In closing, thank you for making the decision to not support Dutra’s project at Haystack Landing, and we encourage you to vote accordingly at the final meeting on July 21, 2009.
Bonnie Berkeley, Board Chair
Bill Kortum, Board President Emeritus
Denny Rosatti, Executive Director
Jenna Brager, Know Your Neighbor Coordinator
June 13, 2009
Dear Sonoma County Supervisors Brown, Carrillo, and Zane,
We commend you for opposing the Dutra Group’s project proposal for Haystack Landing in Petaluma. As you have witnessed, and the SCCA door to door canvass and Know Your Neighbor program volunteers have observed, there has been an enormous amount of community opposition to Dutra’s project at this location. We feel that the community has done their research and found many valid reasons to reject this asphalt plant. As you have acknowledged, the health concerns are undeniable; and these are in addition to many more unmitigable impacts.
Thank you so much for making a wise decision on this issue. We greatly appreciate your recognition of the public’s distaste for this project. In addition, it is honorable of you to consider Petaluma’s (and all cities’) Urban Growth Boundary. Given that it is clearly in our county’s General Plan to promote harmonious relationships between local governing bodies, we value your respect for unanimous opposition by the entire Petaluma City Council.
In closing, thank you for making the decision to not support Dutra’s project at Haystack Landing, and we encourage you to vote accordingly at the final meeting on July 21, 2009.
Bonnie Berkeley, Board Chair
Bill Kortum, Board President Emeritus
Denny Rosatti, Executive Director
Jenna Brager, Know Your Neighbor Coordinator
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