Supervisor Carrillo is the Swing Vote!

We need your help to save our Wetlands from the toxic pollution of an asphalt plant.
Supervisor Efren Carrillo, District 5 (including Sebastopol), will cast the crucial vote on the Dutra Asphalt Plant. With Supervisors Zane and Brown on record as “NO” votes and Supervisors Kelly and Kerns on record as sure “Yes” votes, Efren’s vote determines what happens to Petaluma and the county’s wetlands, located in the 2nd District.
We need West County voters to write and call Efren Carrillo and remind him the West County voter wants the wetlands protected. A Super-majority of Sonoma County voters voted to keep the Scenic View Corridor protected in 1998. When asked, Sonoma County voters voices are strong- keep Sonoma County Green! Please call, write and email Supervisor Carrillo and let him know, as a voter in Sonoma county, how you feel about this plant.
Below is a suggested correspondence you can use.
Click here to Email Efren
County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors
575 Administration Drive, Room 100A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: (707) 565-2241
Dear Supervisor Carrillo:
I am a West County / Sonoma County voter and I ask you to vote to protect one of our County's finest assets, the wetlands and wildlife habitat of Shollenberger Park. Vote "NO" to approving the Dutra Asphalt Plant.
Don't spread pollution - clean it up. Shollenberger Park, Alman Marsh wetlands and adjacent Ellis Creek Polishing Ponds are the last of a precious resource, a high elevation salt marsh. Our Open Space tax-dollars have paid to acquire and protect these lands and an asphalt plant is incompatible with these goals.
Don't destroy what we have restored. Don't increase air pollution and associated cancers. Instead work towards reducing air contaminants produced by existing asphalt plants and reducing illness in Sonoma County by protecting the environment.
When asked, the Sonoma County Voter votes green by a Super Majority: 1998 Measure D Voter Mandated Scenic View Corridor, Open Space District Funding, Smart Rail, Community Separators and Urban Growth Boundaries. Don't ignore the mandate of the West County voter who passed Measure D to protect the Scenic View Corridor south of Petaluma.
I will remember how you vote. Vote NO on the Dutra Asphalt Plant.
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