Next Step:
We’ll stop them in The Courts
Donate for the Legal Defense !
The Community vs. Dutra Materials and The County of Sonoma 2011
Dear Friends of Shollenberger Park,
The Board of Supervisors’ straw vote on October 12, 2010 is not the end of the line for our campaign. We WILL stop Dutra from locating next to our park. If not with a vote from the Supervisors then in the courts with a lawsuit proving the inadequacy of the EIR and the hearing process, exposing the lack of compliance with CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).
It’s important to note our successes since this battle for our right to fresh air and well-being began:
1. We have exposed Dutra and their hired consulting engineer Al Cornwall, CSW Stueber Stroeh, as giving false map information on the location of the navigable channel and PG&E transmission pipes to the County and the US Coast Guard.
2. We have delayed final approval hearing of the project originally on the agenda from December 2008 to December 2010.
3. We have pressured Dutra into scaling back the project – eliminating Dutra’s ability to barge aggregate; eliminating the noisy and polluting recycling of asphalt on the property; lowering the towers 12 feet.
4. We have made public that the Dutra project is no longer a water dependent operation and is in reality a truck dependent project.
It’s important to thank our elected officials who have actively supported us and enabled us to achieve these victories:
Thank you to Mayor Pam Torliatt for leading the Petaluma City Council to defend Petaluma’s best interests by rallying unanimous City Council opposition to the Dutra Project and speaking out forcefully at all Sonoma County Board of Supervisors’ hearings on Dutra.
Thank you to Vice Mayor Dave Glass for representing the voice of the majority of the Petaluma community and speaking out at every Sonoma Board of Supervisors meeting on the Dutra asphalt plant. He has made it clear that this project is bad for business, bad for job creation, bad for the tourist driven economy of Petaluma and Southern Sonoma County.
Thank you to Council Member Teresa Barrett for supporting Friends of Shollenberger and encouraging the community to make their voices heard, and for being an outspoken advocate for clean air, preserving our environment, and protecting our city’s asset – Shollenberger Park.
What can you do? Send tax-deductible donations to O.W.L. Foundation, note that it is for the Shollenberger Legal Defense. This year, consider choosing Friends of Shollenberger (OWL) as your non-profit of choice for charitable donations, and make saving Shollenberger Park your priority. See the website: http://www.saveshollenberger.com/ for how and where to send your contributions. Joan Cooper
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