People of Petaluma Speak Out Against Supes Straw Vote on Dutra

80% of Respondents are Against Locating the Dutra Factory at Haystack Landing

Is anybody listening?
Poll: Supes made wrong decision on asphalt plant
by Pulse.Of.Petaluma

An overwhelming number of people who responded to the Argus-Courier's online poll October 21, 2010 feel that that the Board of Supervisors made the wrong decision on October 12 when it voted to approve a proposed asphalt plant south of town. More than 80 percent said it was a wrong decision and that the public did not have adequate time to review the 1,100 pages of documents describing the revised, reduced asphalt plant.

Here are some of the comments from those who responded to the poll. Read more comments at the pulse of Petaluma blog at Petaluma 360.

"I don't feel like the majority of the supervisors are listening to the citizens of Petaluma. To allow an asphalt plant in this beautiful and vulnerable area does not make sense. This is not something that can be reconstructed if it gets destroyed. This is one of the few remaining wetlands of its kind, something that we need to save for future generations. It is part of the fabric of Petaluma."

"I am offended and frustrated with this whole situation. Petaluma invested space and tax dollars to create a pleasant environment for wildlife and our citizens to enjoy, only to be compromised by the selfish interest of big business. Why would we want ugly forced upon our lives here in Petaluma? Would the people of Dutra want a view of their asphalt plant out their living room window?"


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