
Showing posts from 2012

Dear Friends of Shollenberger

Shollenberger Park and the Petaluma Wetlands are local treasures . Here we enjoy communion with friends, family; birds and the outdoors. Here we exercise and find inspiration. Friends of Shollenberger has worked tirelessly for five years to preserve and protect this sensitive wetlands habitat from the threat of Dutra’s asphalt factory. We’re writing to ask you to help protect Shollenberger Park by including us in your annual giving plans. Please dig deep and make a donation to Friends of Shollenberger today and help preserve our beloved Shollenberger Park. What has Friends of Shollenberger (FOS) accomplished in 2012 to benefit our community? • Friends of Shollenberger alerted the U.S. Army Core of Engineers of the planned legal appeal and thus delayed Dutra’s permit processing. • Filed a legal appeal in San Francisco Appellate Court to challenge Judge Chouteau’s (Dec. 2011) decision to side with Dutra and Sonoma County Board. • Coordinated the coalition of plaintiffs: Moms for

Final Appellants' Reply Brief filed in Court of Appeals

Press Release Thursday, September 27, 2012 Final Appellants' Reply Brief filed in Court of Appeals City of Petaluma, et al., v. County of Sonoma, The Dutra Group, et al. The final Appellants' Reply Brief has been filed in 1st District Court of Appeals on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 25, 2012 This is the last filing of briefs in the appeal of Sonoma County Superior Court Judge Chouteau's decision in the suit against the County's approvals of the Dutra Asphalt Plant adjacent to Shollenberger Park just south of Petaluma. The plaintiffs have filed the Appeals Brief and the County and Dutra filed Opposition Briefs. The date for the trial at the Court of Appeals is still somewhat in the future: the Court of Appeals may take several months before actually setting the trial date, and the trial date could be as much as a year from now. The Plaintiffs believe that we have a very strong case on appeal, focusing on several of the trial issues and rulings. 1. The Dutra properties are in

Roblar Road Quarry Petition Decided in Favor of The Plaintiffs!

This is an important victory in support of the neighbors of the Roblar Road Quarry, challenging the Board of Supervisors' approval of this miserable project. From attorney Matt Molland: "Yes, approval is denied. The Board must reconsider on four individual issues, including testing of the landfill and approval ofthe use of Open Space for the mitigation of endangered species. .. we expect the developer and  County to appeal. We received the final decision from the court today granting our petition to set aside the County's approval of the Quarry." Michael E. Molland Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Click here to download the decision

It’s A Wrap!

Shollenberger Shindig 2 June 12, 2012 Lagunitas Beer Sanctuary Over 350 people turned out to support Friends of Shollenberger at the Second annual Shindig  last Tuesday evening. The goal to raise funds to pay the legal costs to appeal the Dutra asphalt factory approval exceeded expectations! Many thanks to everyone who bought tickets, especially Duck Brigade Boosters, partied for the park, donated and to make  this a wonderful evening of community networking and fun. Katie Freeman of The Incubators set the tone for a great party, playing on the stage in the Food Court. Thanks to Katie and her band, the atmosphere there was like a festival. Seated at the long tables, people gathered and ate the delicious food served up by five food carts: MugShot, Pizzeria Rosso, Awful Falafel, Yum Yum Trolley, and Taqueria Santa Cruz. Thanks to these wonderful purveyors of delicious food for serving our community! On the Main Stage in the Beer Sanctuary, Gabby La La and The Ukulady opened




WET YOUR WHISTLE FOR THE WETLANDS General Admission: $30 advance/ $35 at Door $15 Youth Special Admission: $100 Duck Brigade (All Access & Early Entry 5:30 PM) SAVE THE DATE & DON'T DELAY! (The SHINDIG sold out fast last year) Buy tickets at Lagunitas and The Mail Depot (May 10) JUNE 12 TUES NITE LAGUNITAS BEER SANCTUARY Doors Open 6 PM – 8:30 PM 1280 No. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma SAVE SHOLLENBERGER PARK & PARTY FOR THE PARK SILENT AUCTION of local art, products, and services NOVEAU FOOD CART VENDORS MUSIC BY: Peter Welker Sextet & Deborah Winters Elaine Lucia Gabby La La and The Ukulady in Kit ‘N’ Tenders Katie Freeman (of the Incubators) Kit 'N' Tenders ( Gabby Lala Peter Welker Sextet & Deborah Winters Elaine Lucia Band FOOD CART FEST STAGE: Katie Freeman (of The Incubators) ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT FRIENDS OF SHOLLENBERGER (A Special Project of The O.W.L. Foundation, a 501c3)

Flash: Dutra Legal Costs mostly denied in Court today.

Breaking News: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Today, Judge Chouteau denied most of Dutra's requests for reimbursement of costs related to our case against the approvals of the Dutra Asphalt Plant in Petaluma. Dutra's attorneys, Les Perry and Derek Cole, along with Aimi Dutra and political consultant Rob Muelrath, appeared in Judge Chouteau's courtoom in Santa Rosa this morning to argue their claims for over $9900 in allegedly reimbursable costs related to the trial and the preparation of the case record. The plaintiffs, including all of the community plaintiff groups and individuals, and the City of Petaluma, were represented by Christina Caro, of Lozeau/Drury LLP. After vigorous arguments about what is, and what is not legally eligible for reimbursement, Judge Chouteau decided that only $1649.46 of Dutra's asserted costs were in fact legitimate under California law. The balance of claims were denied. Judge Chouteau stated that Dutra was not entitled to


CHALLENGE GRANT MATCHED!! 2012 FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN ON ITS WAY #1 Hurray for You! The community stepped up and MORE than doubled   our matching grant challenge) of $1500.   What a great way to start the NEW YEAR of fundraising to stand firm against Dutra polluting Petaluma. 2012 will be a year of consciousness raising and fundraising. WE CAN DO IT! THANK YOU   to all of you who sent in end-of-the-year donations – your money was doubled with   the power   to fight DUTRA , due to a generous anonymous donor. # 2012 will be A YEAR OF   FUN!   RAISING SAVE THE DATE ! SHOLLENBERGER SHINDIG ! JUNE 12 th   TUESDAY Lagunitas Beer Sanctuary 5:30- 9 P.M. BIGGER and (is it possible ?)   even better than last year’s SOLD OUT event. Lagunitas   Beer Sanctuary has expanded their amphitheater and so more of you can attend! #3   ECONSCIOUS GIVES   TO SAVE THE PARK!   We are proud to announce that Econscious, a member of 1% for The Planet   has d

6 years of Grassroots Action to Save Shollenberger and Stop Dutra:

Read these flyers, pass them on digitally, & print them out (click on image for printable PDF) and hand them out to friends and neighbors. Thanks for your support, Friends of Shollenberger

Hands Around Shollenberger


Appeal Filed: City of Petaluma et al. v. County of Sonoma et al.

Appeal Filed: City of Petaluma et al. v. County of Sonoma et al. For Immediate Release, Friday, Feb. 3, 2012 Subject: City of Petaluma et al. v. County of Sonoma et al., Case No. SCV 248948 The Community groups, individuals and City of Petaluma have today filed our appeal of the Superior Court decision, which had denied all claims in our lawsuit against the County's approval of the Dutra Asphalt Plant project. We are looking forward to our claims being heard at the California Court of Appeals, in San Francisco. Given Dutra's statements that they are pursuing the start up of their factory following the court's decision, we will continue to strongly oppose this wrongly-made decision and project approvals at all levels. This will be done in court, as well as at the various local, state and federal agencies whose approvals are necessary prior to Dutra's construction and grading permits and actions. We will provide more details

Council Joins Community To Appeal Dutra Approval

Council Joins Community To Appeal Dutra Approval The Petaluma City Council voted tonight after a Closed Session   meeting, to appeal Judge Chouteau’s Dec. 23, 2011 decision (upholding Sonoma County’s approval of the Dutra asphalt factory at Haystack Landing. ) The Superior Court decision will   be challenged in Appellate Court in San Francisco by the City of Petaluma, holding together the   original coalition of plaintiffs, which includes Friends of Shollenberger Park, Moms for Clean Air, The Madrone Audubon Society, Petaluma Tomorrow, The Petaluma River Council and several individuals.   The vote was 6 in favor of appeal, and one, Council Member Albertson, against. The Petaluma   Council heard citizens speak during Public Comment at 5:30 PM tonight at City Hall. People from all walks of life in Petaluma from Downtown Business Association Executive Director, Marie McCusker 
   to David Keller, Petaluma River Council, to former Mayor Pam Torliatt   made a forceful case


400 hundred people and dogs gathered at Shollenberger Park to protest the approval of the Dutra Asphalt factory across the river from its paths. Oldsters, kids, dogs on leashes, babies in strollers, bikers, Occupiers all heeded the call to STAND UP FOR OUR PARK given by Friends of Shollenberger, Moms for Clean Air, and Occupy Petaluma. It was a real Petaluma Grass Roots Day – the kind of experience that reminds you why we all love Petaluma and the Park so much and want to live here in peace and good health. Click here for video Bug Deakin, Heritage Salvage motored gallantly by in his Cutter, then stopped to read aloud his wonderful poem, “Ode to Dutra!” Poetry to tell Dutra to go way and leave our birds alone! Hundreds waved from the Viewing Platform shouting DUCKS NOT TRUCKS and SAVE OUR PARK and NO DUTRA NO DUTRA. The crowd then walked in solidarity together to the dredge spoil pond and stood before the expansive vista of the Measure D Voter Mandate protected wetlands. “
Untitled Document Join Us! Sunday, January 15 3:30p to 4:30p At Shollenberger Park! Sunday promises to be a beautiful warm sunny day! Perfect for being outdoors! Come join your friends and neighbors on a walk around Shollenberger Park on Sunday, January 15 from 3:30 to 4:30 to show your support for the park and the appeal. Scott Hess will be there to take a HUGE group photo of us at 4:00. The photo will be taken at the viewing platform - which is right across from where Dutra is planning to built its noxious asphalt plant. Stand up for your wetlands and let everyone know you think the sanctity of our Shollenberger Park wetlands and the quality of life in Petaluma are worth saving. Everyone - parents, kids, elders, runners, cyclists, birders, rowers, Occupiers, teachers, students: walk, run, dance, ride your bike, or paddle your kayak - and bring a friend or two! Bring the whole family! See you there! Please share this email with your friends! Thank you!! Friends of


Please sign our Petition and send a message to the Petaluma City Council to do what's right, stay the course, join the community coalition of non-profits and individuals as plaintiffs in this appeal. Click Here to download the full text of Judge Chouteau's decision.

DONTRA! No Asphalt Plant Next to Our Park!

Untitled Document DONTRA! NO Asphalt Factory Next To Our Park! ROUND TWO! "Stay The Course" "It Takes A Community" to protect itself. Judge Chouteau's flawed decision needs to be challenged in a higher court. That's why our justice system has an appellate court. Preserving wetlands for the good of the planet and all of us living beings leads to a healthy future. Allowing an industrial factory on the banks of the river is going backwards to the bad old times. Petaluma doesn't want this factory at its Gateway, but Dutra does. Who wins, who loses? It goes against the 2020 County General Plan guiding principle: The County should cooperate with cities when planning for parcels in their sphere of influence, just outside the city limits. KNOWN IMPACTS OF THE DUTRA ASPHALT FACTORY: Judge Chouteau's legal ruling doesn't change the DUTRA Asphalt factory. It's still the same noxious factory. A FUTURE DUTRA FACTORY: Still S