
Showing posts from 2009

Coast Guard Determines Dutra Plant Would Create A Navigational Hazard

We've just received word that the US Coast Guard has revised their previous determination and now state the following: "After further review we have determined that your drawing EX 14 dated October 5th, 2009, inappropriately indicates the eastern bank of the river as the edge of the navigational channel. Based on the new information...your facility will create a navigational hazard to other users of the channel. The moored barge or barges as proposed would result in a violation of the federal anchorage regulations." This image is the same one posted on Dutra's website. Click here to read the entire letter (PDF) Happy New Year!

Community Opposition to Asphalt Plant Grows per Public Survey

Following are the results of the most recent public survey of the proposed Dutra asphalt plant at Haystack Landing. Opposition to the proposal has grown more than 11% over the past year. 85.4% think the modified proposal for an asphalt plant should be denied. 12.10.09 On 1.29.09, 73.8% thought the initial proposal for an asphalt plant should be denied. Source: Pulse of Petaluma survey, Click here for more Citizen Videos!

Coast Guard prompts postponement of Tuesday Hearing

The Coast Guard has submitted a letter to the Supervisors asking to investigate Dutra's proposed barge off-load facility at Haystack Landing further. This has prompted the postponement of Tuesday's hearing . New date: Tuesday January 12th. More detail to follow shortly.

TUESDAY HEARING POSTPONED! Carrillo still undecided?

COME ONE COME ALL! Swing vote Efren Carrillo wants to hear what the public have to say about the Dutra asphalt plant this Tuesday! Carrillo said Friday he wouldn't deliver an opinion on Dutra's revised proposal until he's heard what the company and the public have to say Tuesday. "There are still questions to be asked on the project and that's what Tuesday's hearing lends itself to," he said. Read Press Democrat story here Join us and express your feelings about an asphalt plant being located next to an environmental asset, Shollenberger Park and the adjacent wetlands that citizens of the County and visitors alike have a right to enjoy. RSVP HERE ON FACEBOOK RSVP HERE VIA EMAIL

Energy-Raiser Event, Sunday 12/6 JOIN US!

The FINAL Supervisors Hearing on the Dutra Asphalt Plant proposal is Tuesday December 8th! It is crucial for the community to turn out in large numbers to stand up for our environment and against this project. In preparation for the final hearing, we are having an Energy-Raiser Event on Sunday December 6th, from 4-6pm. Join us at our Headquarters for exhilarating music, delicious food, inspiring conversation and short informational talks by those leading this grass roots fight! Click here to RSVP on Facebook Click here to RSVP via Email Sunday, December 6th: 4-6pm Save Shollenberger Headquarters 322 Western Avenue, Petaluma Click here for directions Our musical guest for the event will be the wonderful Larry Potts :

Local Businesses & Property Owners Oppose Dutra Asphalt Plant

R N M properties owns and manages more than 1.5 million square feet of high quality office and retail space in San Francisco, Santa Clara and Sonoma Counties. With additional land holdings that will accommodate another 830,000 square feet of office, hotel or retail space, RNM Properties is prepared to develop and manage real estate projects in prime Northern California locations for progressive and growing companies doing business in a wide variety of industries. "On behalf of RNM Properties, I write to add my voice to those who oppose the siting of the Dutra plant on the Petaluma River. While I can appreciate the site’s attractiveness to Dutra, I perceive very marginal economic benefit to the county or to Petaluma. To undermine this unique wetlands ecosystem for such a use seems misguided and short-sighted. Our firm accomodates many businesses located in close proximity to the wetlands preserve. One of the main draws for these companies is the opportunity for their employees to


This is a new survey by the Argus about the so-called "revised" Dutra Asphalt factory at Shollenberger Park and the River. It's no doubt intended for print next week, if not tomorrow (Thursday). CLICK HERE AND VOTE!! or cut and paste the link into your browser: Tell your friends and neighbors too! Dutra will try to make it look like all of Petaluma likes their 'new' plant - unless we speak up.


To our Visitors and Tourists from Near and Far: Dutra Materials wants to build an asphalt plant on the banks of the Petaluma River and 350 ft. from the walking paths of Shollenberger Park. The Petaluma City Council and our Mayor are unanimously opposed to this project! Additionally, a recent poll showed 84.5% of the citizen respondents are also opposed . Yet three of the five County Supervisors are inclined to vote to permit this factory to be located in this Voter Mandated Scenic View Corridor. You can help protect this scenic wildlife preserve and wetlands by sending them your letter, stating how you value wetlands and scenic beauty and that this translates into longterm economic vitality for Sonoma County. (See template below). Contact the Supervisors and Tell Them to Vote NO! The final vote is January 12th!! Here is a standard letter script you can use if you'd like. We encourage you to expand it and make it personal. Dear Supervisors, I am often a visitor to beautiful natur

Dutra and the Petaluma Wetlands

The $32 billion that birders spent generated $85 billion in economic benefits for the nation in 2001. This ripple effect on the economy also produced $13 billion in tax revenues and 863,406 jobs. -U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Birding in the United States, 2003 Last summer the Ellis Creek trail was opened to the public. Now one can walk over seven miles of trails in the Petaluma Public Wetlands. The contiguous wetlands have much to offer – 200 species of birds, 25 of mammals, reptiles and amphibians and over 100 types of plants. The Greenbelt Alliance and San Francisco Chronicle have described it as a top destination for nature lovers. The study cited above says there are 46 million birders in the U.S. and almost 4 million in California. Petaluma plans to start promoting eco- tourism to the area. Starting next January a part of the National Geographic website on California’s Redwood Coast will feature a section on our local wetlands, for example. The success of any promotional effort

Supervisor Carrillo is the Swing Vote!

Attention West County Voters – Sonoma County Citizens! We need your help to save our Wetlands from the toxic pollution of an asphalt plant. Supervisor Efren Carrillo, District 5 (including Sebastopol), will cast the crucial vote on the Dutra Asphalt Plant. With Supervisors Zane and Brown on record as “NO” votes and Supervisors Kelly and Kerns on record as sure “Yes” votes, Efren’s vote determines what happens to Petaluma and the county’s wetlands, located in the 2nd District. We need West County voters to write and call Efren Carrillo and remind him the West County voter wants the wetlands protected. A Super-majority of Sonoma County voters voted to keep the Scenic View Corridor protected in 1998. When asked, Sonoma County voters voices are strong- keep Sonoma County Green! Please call, write and email Supervisor Carrillo and let him know, as a voter in Sonoma county, how you feel about this plant. Below is a suggested correspondence you can use. Click here to Email Efren ecarrillo@so

Pick Up Signs & Stickers This Week!

FLASH! EASY ACCESS TO SIGNS AND BUMPER STICKERS TO SAVE OUR PARK Pick up a Lawn Sign and Bumper Sticker at The Mail Depot. Maureen and her wonderful staff will hand out signs for one week starting today. Mail Depot Hours: MON - THURS 8am to 6pm FRI 8am - 5pm SAT 9am to 3pm 40 Fourth St. (near Bus Stop) Petaluma

Supervisors need to hold firm in opposing asphalt plant

Petaluma resident Bill Kortum, a former Sonoma County Supervisor and former chairman of the California Coastal Alliance, is chairman emeritus of Sonoma County Conservation Action and explains to the Press Democrat why having an asphalt plant across the Petaluma River from Shollenberger Park is a bad idea. "The visual, noise, smell, toxic air and other asphalt plant impacts on Shollenberger Park are very real to residents of Petaluma. The proposed Dutra assault on voter-mandated protections and community values would cause consternation by any city of our county. Even London now requires asphalt plants to be located 20 miles from city limit lines. The EIR finds regional asphalt plant capacity more than adequate, so why should the county accommodate a company with such a history of violations in our voter-mandated scenic corridor? " Click here to read the entire article


SUPERVISORS' PLAN TO TAKE STRAW VOTE AND HEAR LAST PUBLIC COMMENT ON DECEMBER 8th It appears Paul Kelley, Chair of the Board of Supervisors, is intending to conduct yet another straw vote on the Dutra Asphalt plant proposal on December 8th. Supervisor Valerie Brown, who is on record against the Dutra proposal, cannot be present on the 8th and has apparently received a commitment from Mr. Kelly that a final vote will not happen on that date. It also appears obvious that the pro-Dutra strategy is for Supervisor Kelley to use the Straw vote hearing to close public comment on the "revised" proposal, and then put Dutra on a Consent Calendar vote in January. He tried this earlier this year, but public outcry and right to speak stopped this tactic. Those in favor of Dutra’s proposal would like to close the record and end public comment on the vague "revised" project description as soon as possible, however the facts still remain: 1) The revised project is still a p

New Signs & Bumper Stickers Now Available!

New Save Shollenberger signs and bumper stickers will be available for pick up this Saturday (10/31) from 10am-2pm at our Headquarters. The first 50 bumper stickers and 20 signs are FREE! 322 Western Ave. Petaluma, CA The Dutra proposal is likely to return to the Board of Supervisors in December, so it is vital that we begin to once again grow community awareness and return this issue to the forefront of Sonoma County consciousness. The large majority of Petaluma residents are against this Asphalt plant, as well as the entire Petaluma City Council and 5 other Sonoma County cities…but it could come down to the vote of one individual on the Board of Supervisors. Don’t let this decision be made for us. Stand up and speak your mind. Please stop by on Saturday and help us spread the word. Trick or Treat!

Marin Supervisors approve quarry's environmental impact report

Share your opinion! Click here to participate in the poll asking whether this quarry is a threat to public health. Medical experts disagreed over the health effects of continued mining at the San Rafael Rock Quarry during a key public hearing on the quarry Tuesday. More than 300 people attended the three-hour hearing at the Civic Center, where county supervisors voted unanimously to certify as adequate and complete an environmental impact report submitted by the Dutra Group to continue operations at the quarry for least another 17 years. The Dutra Group wants to dig the pit twice as deep as the 200 feet below sea level allowed by a 1982 permit, and continue operations for another 17 years with 250 truck trips daily. Read the article here


New Printable Petition We need your help to collect names & emails for Sonoma County residents opposed to the Dutra Asphalt Plant at Haystack Landing. Please collect contact information for folks in your community and forward the lists to us at our office: Friends of Shollenberger Park 322 Western Ave Petaluma, CA 94952 Or scan and email to us at SaveShollenberger at We are hearing that the new Dutra proposal will go in front of the County Supervisors in early time is of the essence! Thanks!!

Tolay Regional Park Opening Ceremony this Saturday

Sonoma County Regional Parks is pleased to announce the kickoff of expanded public access at Tolay Lake Regional Park . To mark the expanded access, Regional Parks is also planning a celebration on Saturday, October 10 at 10:00 am to thank the community members who helped in developing the access plan and acknowledge the acquisition partners and park neighbors. Guest speakers include 2nd District County Supervisor Mike Kerns and Regional Parks Director Mary Burns. Click here for directions to Tolay Lake Regional Park (PDF) Click here to RSVP to attend on Facebook Parking Free to those attending the Ceremonies. Be there by 9:30 to get a good position. We need volunteers to hold up our BIG sign and give Supervisor MIKE KERNS and all attendees our message: NO ASPHALT PLANT AT HAYSTACK LANDING - SAVE OUR PARK. Please e-mail us if you can commit to coming to Tolay on SAT morning to assist us. Please be able to arrive by 9:30 am.

Dutra's Track Record - History in Miami, Florida

In 1994 Dutra Construction Co. began contracted work with the Port of Miami, dredging a section of the shipping channel in Biscayne Bay, a “shallow subtropical lagoon with diverse habitat including mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs. Manatees, crocodiles, sea turtles, and many important fish species also share the immediate marine environment with the port.”1 This “rich marine habitat”1 was severely damaged by Dutra’s illegal dredging and destruction of “3.5 acres of seagrass outside of the permitted dredging area.”2 “in violation of county, state, and federal laws.”3 “This is the largest unauthorized sea-grass-destruction case ever investigated by DERM [Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management],” declared biologist Craig Grossenbacher, chief of DERM's coastal resources section. “At the very least there was gross negligence.”3 Grossenbacher also stated that “We now know this illegal dredging occurred between 1995 and 1997.”3 “To make matters worse, the exc

Experience Shollenberger and Help the Community

The Carousel Fund Run/Walk will be a great way to show off the 171 acres of Petaluma's newly restored wetlands including the new Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility and Shollenberger Park. It is a small charge of $10.00 per person or $25.00 per family for the event. 100% of the entry fees go directly to the Carousel Fund . DATE September 27, 2009, 8:30am start LOCATION AND PARKING Race starts and finishes at the Ellis Creek entrance at 3890 Cypress Drive. Parking is limited, so please arrive early to allow time to find a spot. START TIMES Registration & Check-in: 7:30—8:15am Both races start at 8:30am Awards ceremony will begin after 10K race concludes BENEFICIARY 100% of race entry fees go directly to the Carousel Fund . The Carousel Fund is an all volunteer organization dedicated to assisting Petaluma families with children who suffer from catastrophic illnesses. DIVISIONS AND AWARDS •10K Awards: Medals to top three males and females. Ribbons for age groups M & F : 0-12

Sights & Sounds From An Asphalt Plant

Mowing Experience at Shollenberger

As more and more people learn about the invaluable restoration of the varied marsh habitats at Shollenberger Park, we are finding that even the City of Petaluma's Water Department maintenance staff has much to learn. Over the past 25 years, maintenance crews around the globe are re-learning how to provide for fire, weed, safety, road and flood management without damaging the existing important wildlife habitat along creeks, marshes, forests and waterfronts. So, this learning starts at home. Recent mowing of trail berms by Water Dept. staff has now become a "teachable moment" as acknowledged by the City. We are encouraged by the City's response and look forward to management practices for next year and years to come that meet the multiple objectives needed in such an important and complex project. Photo by Gerald Moore

Help Stop This From Happening

If we don't stop the Dutra Group from building this plant, this will be everyone's "welcome" to Petaluma and Sonoma County. “As previously mentioned, the entire area surrounding the project site west of Highway 101 is designated with a Scenic Resource zoning overlay. Application of the Visual Assessment Guidelines indicates that development of the project site would result in visual dominance of the area, which in combination with the high sensitivity assessment, would result in a significant impact to visual resources.” ~ Dutra Environmental Impact Report (Vol. 1, V.A. Aesthetics pg. 25) Please explore the links to the right for ways to help stop this plant from happening.

Help Save This Remarkable Park

Join Us to Celebrate the Completion of the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility

"Using a combination of treatment methods, including ultraviolet rays and natural wetlands, the plant will produce more than 464 million gallons of recycled water a year — enough to offset the water use of 1,400 single-family homes, the city said." Ellis Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Trails link with Shollenberger Park's Trails and will together provide approximately 8 miles of walking paths through the wetlands and along ponds. Ellis Creek and Shollenberger Park are linked together ecologically, physically and financially. The 500+ acres of Shollenberger, Alman Marsh and Ellis Creek were acquired and restored with a pooling of resources for protection of this wildlife habitat by the City of Petaluma, The Coastal , Conservancy and the Open Space District. Your tax dollars at work. The proposed Dutra asphalt plant on the banks of the Petaluma River, just across from Shollenbreger Park, would degrade and pollute the wetlands, marshes and wildlife sanctuary with toxic by-


Shirlee Zane and Valerie Brown were each strong and determined in their voice voting to deny the Dutra asphalt project, however Efren Carrillo switched sides and voted to allow the project to live for another day. EMAIL EFREN AND LET HIM KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS CONTACT EFREN ON HIS FACEBOOK PAGE FOR AN EXPLANATION Dutra's concessions do nothing to answer the jurisdictional issue of whether County Supervisors have the right to re-zone, to industrial use, the parcels located in a voter mandated scenic view corridor. Only the voters can change this zoning designation. Lowering the production capacity of the plant lessens, but does not eliminate the toxic impacts of this asphalt production facility on a wildlife preserve, 22 schools, hundreds of residences, and 150,000 visitors (and growing) to Shollenberger park per year. Foregoing the recycling part of production still leaves recycled tires (used for rubberized asphalt) in piles on the property. Excessive noise is still created at the


Dear Friends of Shollenberger Park, This Tuesday, July 21st at 2:00 PM (please arrive at 1pm) the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will cast their final vote for or against the Dutra Company building an asphalt plant across from Shollenberger Park. RSVP AT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE At the last meeting three supervisors expressed, in a straw vote, their opposition to the plant while two for it. They could not vote it down at that time because this balance was unexpected and they did not have a resolution of denial prepared, which is apparently needed for a final no vote. On Tuesday they will have two resolutions prepared, one to approve the project, and one to deny it. Despite their most recent straw vote opposing the asphalt plant, we are very concerned that one of the tentative no-voters will change their mind and vote for the project. Therefore, it is very important we see a turn out in huge numbers to ensure that no one on the County board decide to change their vote. Please give us one

The Making of our Group Photo

We are extremely excited to bring you "The Making of the Save Shollenberger Group Photo" starring Scott Hess (and us all!) Thanks Scott!!

Spanish Outreach Materials

Sincere gratitude goes out to Israel Escudero, Joe Peer and Frank, Anna and Elia Solar for their assistance in creating this remarkable Spanish language PSA: A very special thanks again to Israel Escudero for putting these documents together! Document #1 Document #2 Document #3

A Hole So Foul

"Dutra Construction, a California-based dredging company, had unlawfully scooped out several football fields' worth of sea grass and several tons of the bay's coral-rock floor below the grass." Click here to read the entire article. "Somehow no one noticed that a monstrous gash was illegally being dug into the bottom of Biscayne Bay...This is the largest unauthorized sea-grass-destruction case ever investigated by DERM,” declares Grossenbacher, chief of DERM's coastal resources section." More info: Port of Miami Violations Former Port Director Under Fire Former Port Director Helped Broke Firm Get Paid

Join us for a Round-Up of Gratitude - 7/16!

Round-up of Gratitude!! Join us at Vine and Barrel Wine Shop July 16th, 6pm-8pm for a glass (or 2) of wine, tasty snacks, live music and good company! We are gathering together to celebrate Shollenberger Park, Petaluma's clean air and to thank all of our supporters before the final, final, FINAL vote. Music by: “The Clean Air Duo” featuring Todd Bugbee and Nate Lopez $5 per glass charge; free yummy snacks CLICK HERE TO RSVP! Please come down and show your support against the proposed Dutra asphalt plant. WINE + FOOD + LIVE MUSIC = GOOD TIMES! Thanks to the Moms for Clean Air for organizing this event.

This is the Face of The Community

We represent all ages from all walks of life. We're united to ensure a healthy community and the preservation of our environment. Thank you to everyone that has stood up for future generations health and recreation. Please don't stop until the final vote on July 21st! New Outreach Documents: Ensure we Hold The Vote by distributing this flyer to our entire community (pdf) Can we depend on Dutra? Their national record of violations, fines, and a Marin County Grand Jury investigation tell us that they are not a “good neighbor.” Click here to help spread the word! (pdf) Continue to Send Letters to the Press: Click here for a list of Sonoma County Media

Help Protect Petaluma's Ecotourism

PETALUMA WETLANDS A BIRDER’S DREAM At the end of July, the new Ellis Creek trail will be opened to the public, adding over two miles to an existing trail system in the Petaluma wetlands that includes strolls through Alman Marsh, and around Shollenberger Park. One will be able to walk almost eight miles (roundtrip) starting at the Sheraton Hotel located at the Petaluma Marina. This will only enhance what many (Greenbelt Alliance, S.F. Chronicle, etc.) have already described as a top destination for nature lovers. The 500-acre contiguous wetlands, left unspoiled, have much to offer - 200 species of birds, 25 species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians, over 100 types of plants, with trails that meander through or are adjacent to a variety of habitats ranging from seasonal ponds, uplands, to salt marshes. At points in the trail one walks alongside the Petaluma River. The headquarters of the Point Reyes Bird Observatory (PRBO) is also located next to Shollenberger. PRBO is world famous for

Petaluma 360 Survey

There is currently a survey on Petaluma on whether the city should support legal action to stop the Dutra asphalt plant if necessary. Help us by taking the survey! Click here to take the survey!

Thank You Sonoma County Conservation Action!

The Sonoma County Conservation Action crafted the following letter, distributing it door-to-door throughout the county to over 15,000 doors and obtaining over 200 letters (opposing the asphalt plant) to the Supervisors from residents in Petaluma, Sebastopol and Sonoma. Thank you for your support! June 13, 2009 Dear Sonoma County Supervisors Brown, Carrillo, and Zane, We commend you for opposing the Dutra Group’s project proposal for Haystack Landing in Petaluma. As you have witnessed, and the SCCA door to door canvass and Know Your Neighbor program volunteers have observed, there has been an enormous amount of community opposition to Dutra’s project at this location. We feel that the community has done their research and found many valid reasons to reject this asphalt plant. As you have acknowledged, the health concerns are undeniable; and these are in addition to many more unmitigable impacts. Thank you so much for making a wise decision on this issue. We greatly appreciate your recog

Between Now and July 21st

We have taken one more step in ensuring the protection of Shollenberger Park, its wildlife, and our citizens! The finish line may be in sight, and the scoreboard now in our favor, but you can be sure that Dutra will not go quietly into the night. We are extremely proud of the three Sonoma County Supervisors for stating the position that they cannot support approval of the asphalt plant proposal; however continued energy and effort is vital up until the formal vote on July 21st. Sincere gratitude goes out to our courageous community for standing up to the status quo of power brokering and tit for tat destruction of our environment. We've proven that when people work together, we are a force to reckon with! Please do continue to send letters of thanks to the three Supervisors that voted for Shollenberger Park, its wildlife, and the people of Petaluma and Sonoma County - Shirlee Zane, Valerie Brown and Efren Carrillo. We would like to thank them for taking the path of the best and

Asphalt Plant Doomed

Dutra Material's controversial plan to erect an asphalt plant across the Petaluma River from Shollenberger Park appears doomed to eventual defeat after three Sonoma County supervisors declared Tuesday evening they would not support construction of the facility. Click here to read the entire Press Democrat article

WE WIN! (for now)

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors reversed their previous straw vote approval today stating in a 3-2 opinion that they will not support the Dutra's asphalt plant proposal at Haystack Landing!! Supervisors Brown, Carrillo & Zane showed great leadership, standing up for the Petaluma community and ensuring Shollenberger Park and the surrounding community remains free of toxic emissions. Please email these three Supervisors and thank them for their leadership and ask that they affirm their stance at the official confirmation on July 21st. Unfortunately, Supervisors Kelley & Kerns continue to support the Dutra project. Please email these two Supervisors and let them know how you feel. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR HELP, SUPPORT AND ENERGY!

Dutra Project Violates Federal Clean Air Act

The Dutra Project violates the federal Clean Air Act (“CAA”) because it fails to incorporate Best Available Control Technology (“BACT”) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sections 165(a)(4) and 169(3) of the CAA require BACT to limit emissions of the greenhouse gas pollutant, carbon dioxide (“CO2”) for any project that will have a potential to emit more than 100 tons per year of CO2. The DEIR concludes that the Dutra Project will generate more than 8060 tons per year of CO2 (DEIR, p. V.B.-38) – which is 80 times higher than the 100 ton per year BACT threshold set by the Clean Air Act. Therefore, BACT is required. The DEIR is inadequate because it fails to disclose this requirement, and fails to propose implementation of BACT. WE NEED YOU ON TUESDAY JUNE 9TH (TOMORROW!) AT 1PM IN SANTA ROSA FOR THE FINAL VOTE. CLICK HERE TO RSVP! click here to download entire document on Dutra's Clean Air Act violation (large PDF file)

Proud of Petaluma - Litigation Planned if Dutra Plan Passes

"... if the Board of Supervisors disregards the important and well-founded concerns voiced by the City Council, the Petaluma River Council, and numerous other groups, interested persons and citizens, please be assured that the City Council stands ready to join litigation on behalf of the City to ensure that all important public policy and legal issues raised by the [Dutra] Project are properly addressed in accordance with applicable law." "In these very difficult economic times, the Petaluma City Council believes that now is a time when public agencies should cooperate as good stewards of local and regional resources and minimize the expenditure of public funds on litigation. Nevertheless, the City of Petaluma is ready to take action to help safeguard important local and regional resources like the Petaluma River corridor and Shollenberger Park." ~ Pamela Torliatt, Mayor, City of Petaluma Click here for full letter THANK YOU PETALUMA FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP! Click here


THIS IS IT! FINAL VOTE! The County Supervisors Final Vote On The Proposed Dutra Asphalt Plant In Petaluma TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, 2009 at 2PM (Please arrive at 1pm to ensure a spot in the building) Click here for a map The Board of Supervisors will vote to amend the County General Plan to change the zoning of the property at Haystack Landing from commercial to industrial and change the general plan to allow the asphalt plant to produce excessive noise and toxic emissions. Come tell the Supervisors this is not what you want! Click here to download our emailable / printable flyer (PDF file) RSVP here on Facebook Meet us before or after at Velasco's Mexican Restaurant at 190 Kentucky Street in Petaluma for a Dine-Out Fundraiser!

Huffman Meeting Draws Hundreds!

Thanks to everyone that came out on Saturday in opposition of Dutra's proposed asphalt plant. Our presence was impressive. Now let's double it for the final vote on June 9th! Following are several videos from the meeting. The final vote is only days away...please talk to as many people as possible and ask them to voice their concerns to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and to our local and regional media! Click here to read K's detailed account of the event from her blog Local Dialect Click here to read Frank Simpson's blog on Petaluma 360 CLICK HERE TO HELP SPREAD THE WORD! CLICK HERE TO RSVP TO THE FINAL VOTE ON JUNE 9TH!

Public meeting on Dutra plant hosted by Assemblymember Jared Huffman!

Assemblymember Jared Huffman will host a public meeting to discuss the proposed Dutra asphalt plant at Haystack Landing. The meeting will be held at the Petaluma Veterans Building on May 30th from 9am to 11:30am. WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION!! The event will feature a panel of proponents, followed by a panel of experts from regulatory agencies and a panel of people with other perspectives on the plant, according to Huffman Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, State Senator Mark Leno, members of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and members of the Petaluma City Council are all likely to be in attendance. “It is my job to look at the bigger implications for the district,” said Huffman, who chairs the state Assembly’s Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife and is a member of the Committee on Natural Resources. “I want to understand if existing laws are working in this case. The project has caused such concern and is happening in a very sensitive location that is a habitat for wildlife.” RSVP ON

County Planning Commission Recommends Approval...Barely

The Sonoma County Planning Commission approved, by one vote (3-2), a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to allow a text amendment to the General Plan so that proposed excessive noise from barge offloading by Dutra Materials, which exceeds County noise standards and cannot be mitigated, could be allowed. This action now moves the whole project proposal back to the Board of Supervisors for a decision on June 9th. Do you find this acceptable? We need the community to STAND UP and express your concerns in any way possible. On June 9th, these five individuals will determine whether or not our community will be forced to accept an asphalt plant at Haystack Landing. Email: Click here to email the four Supervisors that previously voted to approve this plant. Call & Fax: PHONE (707) 565-2241 FAX (707) 565-3778

Planning Commission Decision on Dutra / Shollenberger This Thursday!

We need your attendance & support this Thursday at 1:00pm!! This Thursday the Sonoma County Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on the General Plan Policy alterations proposed by Dutra Co. for their Asphalt Batch Plant at Haystack Landing. Please join us and make your opinion and voice heard! RSVP ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE PRMD Hearing Room 2550 Ventura Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Dutra Just Can’t Fit Their Big Foot Into Cinderella’s Glass Slipper

The Noise Report on Dutra’s proposed asphalt plant is in. The PRMD Staff reports that the Dutra Asphalt Plant Barge Docking and Unloading Activities will produce noise levels that exceed the allowed limits set by the General Plan. This excessive noise level cannot be mitigated. It is 14 dBs above the existing ambient noise. The human ear perceives every increase of 10 dBs as twice as loud. So the project will create a public noise nuisance, which the General Plan had the forethought to restrict, but this restriction is being tossed aside. The Dutra Asphalt Plant project has been seeking approval based on touting the environmental advantages of barging their aggregate to the site (which may or may not be a reality due to navigation issues on the river.) Seems like barging and unloading aggregate is Dutra’s Achilles heel. Despite all possible mitigations, despite the County Staff averaging decibel levels instead of looking at maximum levels, and despite the absence of any scientific ana